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A legacy: 50 years of transforming lives in Tanzania and beyond.
At AHEAD INC, we are on a mission to transform lives and create lasting positive change. We believe that every individual deserves the opportunity to lead a life of dignity, purpose, and fulfillment. Through our dedicated efforts and unwavering commitment, we strive to make a meaningful impact on the lives of those in need.

Mission Statement

The mission of AHEAD, Inc. is to reduce and eradicate disease and premature death, cultivate and advance healthy living, and foster sustainable environmental activities to improve the quality of life for vulnerable communities in Africa
Stay Ahead: Latest News & Updates from Ahead, Inc.
  • Symposium
  • Volunteer Trip
  • Solar Energy
2024 Healthcare Excellence Symposium

AHEAD, Inc. held the very first 2024 Healthcare Excellence Symposium at the Julius Nyerere International Convention Center in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania on July 15th & 16th, in collaboration with AHEAD Tanzania, the Ministry of Health of Tanzania, and Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences(MUHAS).

Over the course of this distinguished two-day event, AHEAD, Inc. had the opportunity to host several panel discussions on various aspects of healthcare, including maternal health, pediatrics, oral health, radiology, and mental health. Each segment was led by medical professionals who are renowned experts in their field - who shared key insights into best practices to improve healthcare services for Tanzanians in rural areas. The conference proved to be a resounding success, featuring 34 speakers/panelists and 193 participants, who found the symposium to be an incredibly insightful and engaging learning experience.

We also wanted to say a huge thank-you to all of our wonderful speakers/panelists who spoke at the event! Their leadership and willingness to share their knowledge and experiences helped guide meaningful discussion, and were crucial in helping us advance healthcare initiatives in Tanzania. We also wanted to thank all of our attendees for their participation in this event. Together, their collaboration helped foster an environment of learning and action, laying the groundwork for a brighter, solution-oriented future in healthcare.

2024 Volunteer Trip

AHEAD, Inc.’s volunteer trip this summer was nothing short of incredible! Our dedicated volunteers, including Orthopedic Surgeon, Dr. Rinelda Horton, her son Miles, nurses from the New York State Nurses Association (NYSNA), dentists, and other doctors, journeyed to the Maruku Ward in Bukoba Rural District, where they assisted medical staff to provide essential training, patient care, and medical supplies, all made possible by your generous donations to AHEAD, Inc. Over just four days, they treated 646 patients, who were amazed by the exceptional care and compassion they received. Our work didn't stop there—the volunteers also assisted in the computer lab and led exciting recreational activities. Malya Hirshkowitz, one of the volunteers, had a blast teaching soccer to the students, who all had a wonderful time. This trip was truly a memorable one – not only did volunteers address critical needs, but they also formed deep, meaningful connections with local communities that will last a lifetime!

Solar Energy Project

AHEAD, Inc. is thrilled to announce the successful installation of a new generator and solar panels at Maruku Health Center as part of our Solar Energy Project! This upgrade will significantly improve patient care by providing the health center with a reliable power source, eliminating disruptions in electricity during surgeries. Dr. Andrea Williams-Kingslow even performed the first surgery while using the new solar system without any interruptions of electrical power! We extend our heartfelt thanks to our donors, whose generous contributions made this vital project possible!

A brief timeline of a half a century of AHEAD, Inc.
  • Promising Beginnings 1974
    Dr. Irving Williams and Mrs. Elvira Williams travel to Tanzania with their 4 children
  • Tanzania Arrival 1974 - 1977
    Dr. Irving Williams works at Bugando Hospital, Mrs. Elvira Williams works at Nyakahoja Primary School
  • AHEAD, Inc. Founding 1981
    The birth of AHEAD, Inc.
  • Health Outreach 1985 - 2005
    Established health outreach for 32 villages in the Meatu and Kishapu District of Tanzania
  • Water Filtration System 1989
    Constructed 50,000 gallons (189,250 liters) water catchment and filtration system for Kishapu District Health Center
  • Solar & Refrigeration 1991 - 2005
    Solar energy installation and refrigeration to hospitals in: Shinyana Regional, Meatu District, Kishapu Rural, and the Lindi District Secondary School
  • Nutrition 1992 - 2004
    Nutrition rehabilitation program and oral rehydration program training for health providers
  • Dispensaries 1994 - 2006
    Constructed or renovated 7 health dispensaries in Meatu
  • Immunization Increase 1995 - 2000
    Raised immunization rates in Meatu from 27% to 98% in children 5 years or younger
  • Maternal/Prenatal Care 1995 - 2000
    Raises maternal/prenatal care rates from 4% to 70% in Meatu
  • Malnutrition Decrease 1995 - 2000
    Reduced malnutrition in Meatu from 20% to 2% among children 5 years or younger
  • Solar Pasteurization 2000 - 2004
    Solar pasteurization program in Tanzania and the Gambia
  • Scholarships 2003 - 2015
    Awarded over 1600 scholarships to youth for education in Kisarawe
  • School Dormitories 2006 - 2012
    Built multiple school dormitories for girls in Kisarawe
  • Electricity 2017
    Installed electricity for Bukara Secondary School
  • Water 2018
    Constructed 60,000 liters water tank and lavatories for girls at Bukara Secondary School
  • Community Collaboration 2019 - Present
    Partnered with the Maruku community to build and resource the Maruku Health Center with on-site refrigeration, a surgical operating room table, surgical equipment and trays, ultrasound, anaesthesia machine, cardiac monitor / defibrillator, dental chairs and equipment
  • Technology 2022 - 2023
    Created and supplied the computer lab and delivery broadband to the Maruku Secondary School
  • PPE Delivery 2023
    Delivered over 3000 lbs of PPE to Maruku Health Center; Held free health clinic at Maruku with medical, pediatric, obstetric/gynecologic and dental care delivery
  • Evolving 1985 - Present
    Ongoing health care educational exchanging, seminars, conferences, clinic, telemedicine
Featured Projects
AHEAD has been fully committed through various projects from education to health and many more
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Partners In Development
AHEAD Inc partners with the local communities to create projects to empower the communities. Dr. Irving Williams' philosophy is that good health requires good nutrition; good nutrition requires good agriculture; and we understand that education is the vehicle for sustainability
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